There is still another distinction, which ought not to be omitted,—the fact, that many of the odoriferous plants never[1] enter into the composition of garlands, the iris [2] and the saliunca, for example, although, both of them, of a most exquisite odour. In the iris, it is the root[3] only that is held in esteem, it being extensively employed in perfumery and medicine. The iris of the finest quality is that found in Illyricum,[4] and in that country, even, not in the maritime parts of it, but in the forests on the banks of the river Drilon[5] and near Narona. The next best is that of Macedonia,[6] the plant being extremely elongated, white, and thin. The iris of Africa[7] occupies the third rank, being the largest of them all, and of an extremely bitter taste.
The iris of Illyricum comprehends two varieties—one of
which is the raphanitis, so called from its resemblance to the
radish,[8] of a somewhat red colour, and superior[9] in quality to
the other, which is known as the "rhizotomus." The best
kind of iris is that which produces sneezing[10] when handled.
The stem of this plant is a cubit in length, and erect, the flower
being of various colours, like the rainbow, to which circumstance it is indebted for its name. The iris, too, of Pisidia[11]
is far from being held in disesteem. Persons[12] who intend taking
The iris is a plant of a caustic nature, and when handled, it causes blisters like burns to rise. It is a point particularly recommended, that those who gather it should be in a state of chastity. The root, not only when dried,[13] but while still in the ground, is very quickly attacked by worms. In former times, it was Leucas and Elis that supplied us with the best oil[14] of iris, for there it has long been cultivated; at the present day, however, the best comes from Pamphylia, though that of Cilicia and the northern climates is held in high esteem.